We are happy to answer all your questions about transport, shipping and warehousing services we provide. We do our best to answer all queries as soon as possible. We are available at the phone numbers and e-mail addresses given, and also through the contact form.
Shipping Department
Email: spedycja@geber.com.pl
Bartosz Stefaniak
Freight Forwarder/Sales rep.
T: +48 61 30 67 811
M: +48 734 214 892
Dział transportu
Email: dispo@geber.com.pl
Izabela Talarowska
Dispatcher/Transport Planner
T: +48 61 30 67 816
M: +48 698 939 287
Administration Department
Shipping Department Administration
Karolina Kledecka
Specjalista ds. administracji / Administration specialist
T: +48 61 30 67 804
M: +48 734 214 890
Przemysław Leitgeber
Company Founder
Angelika Urbaniak
Chief Accountant
Authorized Signatory
T: +48 61 30 67 803
M: +48 698 939 630
Łukasz Chlebanowski
Business Development Manager
Authorized Signatory
T: +48 61 306 78 15
M: +48 602 669 741
GEBER Sp. z o.o.
ul. Sadowa 2
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne
NIP: PL7811904957
REGON: 360544149
KRS: 0000537211
ul. Poznańska 22 F
62-080 Tarnowo-Podgórne
tel. 00 48 61 30 67 850
fax: 00 48 61 306 78 49
TimoCom: 162358